Greater Things are Still to Come

Welcome to Real Life . God is not finished with us yet! “If I'm not dead, you're not done. Greater things are still to come.” [1] If you are an Appalachian Trail enthusiast, you may have heard of Grandma Gatewood. [2] In 1955, at the age of sixty-seven, this mother of eleven and grandmother of twenty-three was the first woman to hike all two thousand miles of the trail straight through. And then, she did it again at age sixty-nine and seventy-two! Grandma Emma Gatewood I read Gatewood’s story at the precise moment I needed it. Because I suddenly and unexpectedly lost my job. Though I am near retirement age, I didn’t feel quite ready to close my laptop. “Is this all?” I began asking, “Am I done?” Then I picked up the book, Grandma Gatewood’s Walk . Emma Gatewood was no super-athlete. She was a mother and grandmother who loved to walk and enjoyed spending time in the woods. Gatewood set out in a pair of Keds tennis shoes with a homemade denim bag slung over her shoulder and mad...