The Soaring Life

Welcome to Real Life! Am I crawling or soaring?

“He turns coal into diamonds,
Sand into pearls,
Worms into butterflies.
He can turn your life around, too.”
-Toby Mac

During their fall migration, monarch butterflies travel thousands of miles south from Canada to Mexico. This majestic aerialist begins its life as a humble caterpillar, a creature who can barely crawl across the sidewalk without getting squished. The dramatic metamorphosis occurs when the caterpillar enters its chrysalis and dies. It then emerges reborn as a beautiful, free, soaring monarch.

Monarch Migration, Wendy Park, Cleveland, Ohio

Like a humble caterpillar transformed into a soaring monarch, those who place their faith in Jesus Christ also experience a dramatic metamorphosis. They are born again!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.
The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
(2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV)
Before the new life comes, the old life must pass away. But what if a caterpillar refuses to form a chrysalis and give up his old life? He would eventually die anyway, right? And he would do so without ever experiencing the amazing, soaring life he was created for.

The same applies to us. The new spiritual life comes only after we are willing to die to the old life. That’s a BIG step of faith. Some cling to this life like a stubborn caterpillar, because it’s the only life they know. Lord, open our eyes! If only they could see on the other side of death to the old life is a brand-new life in Christ. It is a full, abundant, free life with Christ on this earth, and then a forever life with him in heaven. Like a monarch, this is the amazing, soaring life you and I were created for!

What if a caterpillar transformed into a monarch and then refused to fly? Imagine a beautiful monarch crawling across the sidewalk when it could be soaring. At times, I live like a grounded butterfly. Maybe you do, too. We’re Christians. We have wings, but we crawl along caterpillar-like. Instead of looking up, we are clinging to this world. Maybe it is an unhealthy relationship, a habit or addiction, selfishness, arrogance, or unforgiveness that keeps us grounded. Lord, open our eyes! If we ask him, Christ will give us the desire and courage to repent, let go of the old, and reach for his hand. He will set us free to soar like a butterfly!

What if a monarch tried to soar, but could only fly a few feet? This happens when I try to live the Christian life in my own strength. I fly a few feet, but progress is slow and hard because I'm disconnected from Christ, my power source. Have you been there? Lord, open our eyes! In our own strength, we cannot soar. We must humbly rely on Jesus. When we are vitally connected to him through prayer, reading his Word, and time with other believers, his Spirit will lift us higher and enable us to soar like a healthy monarch.

What must a caterpillar do to soar like a monarch? It’s quite simple really. He doesn’t need to study for years to earn his wings. But he must be willing to die to his old self, enter the chrysalis, and allow his Creator to transform him into a butterfly.

What must we do to soar with Christ? It’s quite simple really. We don’t need to work for years to earn our salvation. It’s a free gift—but it must be received by faith. This means taking the big step, dying to our old life, and allowing our Creator to transform us by his Spirit. Yes, it’s a process. It’s messy at times. We don’t always get it right. But the further we go and grow with Christ, the higher we soar. You and I will come to experience the full, abundant, forever life we were created for!

Lord, open our eyes!
We want to soar with you!

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
(Isaiah 40:31 NIV)

Take it further... Learn more about beginning a new soaring life with Jesus at Chat About Jesus or call 888-NEED-HIM.


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