Forever, You Love Me | A Psalm of Peggi Tustan

Welcome to Real Life. When you think of God, what comes to mind?

Lord, you are my refuge.

When I am weak, when I am afraid, when I am insecure,

I run to you. You are my safe place.

I share the deepest secrets of my heart with you.

I share my most difficult struggles with you.

I confess my ugliest sin to you.

When I feel unlovable, when I struggle to love myself,

Still, you love me.

You forgive me. You wash me. You restore me.

You wrap me in the righteousness of your Son.

You hear, you understand, you answer my cries.

You go before me and behind me.

You protect me from harm and evil. You keep me safe.

You know every moment of my past.

You see every moment of my future.

You know me better than I know myself.

And still, you love me.

I do not have to pretend to be strong, or full of faith.

You know the truth, because you know me.

I do not have to strive to earn your love and approval.

You love me as I am.

Because you know me so well, you know what is best for me.

Your plans for me are good, they fit me perfectly, for you know me perfectly.

And still, you love me.

You are my good, good Father.

You knit me together in my mother’s womb.

You chose the color of my eyes, my parents, the day of my birth.

You know my favorite color, my least favorite chore, my greatest weakness.

You know me completely.

And still, you love me.

You invite me to come and spend time with you.

You are always happy to hear my voice and see my face.

You never turn me away.

Before I say a word, you know what I am going to say.

I trust you, Father God. I rest in you. I love you.

And forever, you love me!

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us."
-A.W. Tozer

In the Bible, the book of Psalms is a compilation of prayers and hymns by numerous authors for liturgical and private use. I wrote this psalm as an assignment for a Sunday School Class on Seeing God as a Perfect Father. Our teacher, Barb Karayan, encouraged us to write a psalm describing how we see God. I patterned mine after David's prayer in Psalm 139. If you have never written a psalm, I encourage you to try it! And if you would like to share it, I'd love to read it.


  1. Very nice Peggi thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you for this beautiful psalm, straight from your beautiful heart. Catherine H.

    1. Awe! Thank you for that encouraging word. Love you!

  3. Love it! It is truly Amazing that God still loves US!!!!

    1. Yes, it is! Love defines who our God is. I pray it will define who I am, as well. Thanks for commenting, my dear sister and friend!


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