Christmas: God Invades the Ordinary

Welcome to Real Life. Today is no ordinary day!

“You can find something truly important in an ordinary minute.”
–Mitch Albom

On an ordinary day, in an ordinary home, to an ordinary young woman, God sent a messenger. “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.”[1] With Gabriel’s greeting, Mary’s life was forever changed. Ordinary transformed into extraordinary!

Our God delights in invading the ordinary! He chose to enter this world as a baby—just like you and me. He came to an unremarkable town. His birth was announced to working-class shepherds. He was born to a couple with no special status or importance…except in God’s eyes.

I wonder why God choose Mary for this extraordinary assignment. Perhaps the answer lies in her response. For although she could not fathom how this miraculous event would occur, she told Gabriel, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” And so, it was. On that starry night in Bethlehem, only a few knew the truth. This was no ordinary baby. Mary gave birth to the Savior of the World!

God didn’t just invade our world two thousand years ago. He is still at it. He still sends messengers. He still delights in invading the ordinary. And just as in Bethlehem, only a few know the truth. This is not due to exclusivity, however, for God’s invitation is open to all. Rather, the difference lies in whether we have ears to hear his call, eyes that desire to see Him, and hearts that are willing to respond as Mary’s did.

We are your servants, Lord.
May your word be fulfilled in and through us.

When we do open our ears and eyes and hearts to Jesus Christ, it happens. God invades the ordinary. Our vision expands. We begin to live beyond the mundane—waking up, going to work, checking email, grocery shopping, and helping with homework. We begin to see God present and at work all around us. Our greatest joy is to join in that holy work. Waking up, we thank God for the blessing of a new day. Going to work, we see our co-workers as people created in God’s image and care about them beyond the office. Before sending that email, we consider our words. Are we speaking life or death, blessing or cursing? At the grocery store, we slip an offering into the Salvation Army kettle and thank the bell ringer for serving our community. While helping with homework, if we get frustrated, we stop, take a breath, and give our child a hug or a tickle. We remind ourselves the fruit of the womb is His reward.[2] This is the Spirit of Christ(mas) alive in our hearts.

Of course, we’re not perfect. We often fail to care and help and see beyond the mundane. But even on our worst days, when we feel less than ordinary, we are not. For the Spirit of the Living God dwells in these jars of clay.[3] You and I are called, adopted, anointed, and dearly loved. Though we may look perfectly ordinary, we are daughters and sons of the King of Kings!

God invaded this ordinary world two thousand years ago. He’s still invading ordinary hearts today. Do you hear his call?

Dear Lord Jesus,
Increase our faith.
Give us 
ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts to respond to you.
We are your servants, Lord,
May your word be fulfilled in and through us this day.
We pray in your holy name. Amen.

Take it further...
God invaded my ordinary world on December 5, 1976 when I knelt in prayer and made a decision to follow Jesus Christ. Ordinary transformed into extraordinary! I found forgiveness, love, hope, and peace in my Savior. God is still at it. Learn more or talk to someone about Jesus at

Image of Mary and Baby Jesus by 
[1] Luke 1:28
[2] Psalm 127:3-5
[3] 2 Corinthians 4:7


  1. Great reminder to be spiritually minded--focused on God so that we are ready for the Spirit's prompting.

  2. This must be Stephanie! Thanks so much for commenting. Yes, isn't it wonderful that we share a birthday!

  3. Love: "...and He's still at it." YES! Amen. Thank you for this post.

  4. Yes, I'm so glad He's still at it! Thanks for your encouragement, Kelly.

  5. THANKS for the reminder--to see God working.

    1. Yep, I need the reminder, too! Thanks for reading and commenting, my dear friend!


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