
Showing posts from September, 2021

Beside Still Waters | The 23rd Psalm

Welcome to Real Life . Where do you find peace? “And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.” –John Muir Our family often camps at Pymatuning State Park. A few quiet days serenaded by crickets is good medicine for the soul. The still waters of Pymatuning Lake never fail to calm me. They bring to mind the words of Psalm 23. He leads me beside the still waters. David wrote this psalm. Before he rose to be king of Israel, David was a humble shepherd. He tenderly cared for and protected his flock. God chose a man after his own heart, a good shepherd, to become the most beloved king of Israel. David walked in vulnerable honesty and intimacy with his God. When I long to feel God’s nearness, when I’m anxious, when I can’t sleep, I often pray David’s words. The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.  Lord, you are our Good Shepherd. We are your flock, your sheep. We trust you to provide everything we need—love, peace, strength, healing, finances, faith, and hope for our tom...