
Showing posts from December, 2017

Kneeling at the Manger (with Job) | Job 38-42

Welcome to Real Life . It’s Christmastime. So, I took Job with me to the manger. Where are you, God? Why are you punishing me when I did nothing wrong? Why won't you answer me? I just finished reading the book of Job. Through most of it, he questions God. With good reason, for God allowed Job to lose everything—children, wealth, health, respect. Finally, in chapter thirty-eight, God speaks. He doesn't directly answer Job's queries. Instead, he throws down a few questions of his own. Where were you when I laid earth’s foundation? Who kept the sea in its boundaries and said, “This far and no farther will you come”? Have you ever commanded morning to appear and dawn to rise in the east? Have you visited the storehouses of snow? Who gives intuition to the heart and instinct to the mind? Would you condemn me to justify yourself? “I am nothing. I cover my mouth with my hand. I repent in dust and ashes,” Job replies. My own response mirrored Job's. “I stan...

Ministry Spotlight: Kamila Burgess, Building Hope in the City

Welcome to Real Life .  Today's post is the first in a new Ministry Spotlight Series . Join my conversation with . . . Kamila Burgess, Refugee Program Assistant Building Hope in the City When a foreigner resides among you in your land,  do not mistreat them.  The foreigner residing among you  must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself,  for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.” (Leviticus 19:33–34 NIV) Please introduce yourself and tell us about your position at Building Hope in the City. I work with refugees and immigrants. I manage The Hope Center , coordinate volunteers, and direct the Refugee Mentoring Program. The Hope Center is a community center where we provide three levels of free ESL Classes (English as a Second Language) taught by Tri C. We also offer tutoring to those applying for U.S. citizenship. The Center is the only place that provides free childcare (nursery and preschool) so mothe...