A Few Simple Words
Welcome to Real Life . Sometimes, a few simple words can be so much more. _____ “I love that shirt on you. Is it comfortable?” Mom asked. “Yep, it feels great,” I replied. “You know, I like comfortable clothes. And if they look good, well, that’s even better.” Simple words. A normal conversation. Yet, on this day, a normal conversation with my mother felt extraordinary. It had been a long time since we shared one. My mother’s health was quickly deteriorating. As her body was breaking down, so was her mind. Her confusion poured out in fearful questions, “Where am I? Why do I feel so sick? When can I get out of here? Where’s Daddy (my father)?” For months, a normal conversation had been beyond her ability. But, on that Friday afternoon, she and I were like two girls at a slumber party. I climbed into her bed, laid down next to her, and we chatted. “We’re going camping this weekend. So, you won’t see me until Sunday.” “Where are you going?” sh...