Only One Thing is Needed | Luke 10:38-42

Welcome to Real Life . There's so much to do. Who has time to sit and visit? A Culinary Masterpiece: "Squid Sashimi In Black Plate On Wood Table" Opening our homes to one another is almost a lost art. Everyone is busy. Time is precious. And, in this era of Food Network, there’s added pressure to place before guests a culinary masterpiece. On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus stops in Bethany. He’s friends with three siblings who live there: Lazarus (whom he raised from the dead), Martha, and Mary. Martha invites Jesus to stay in their home. Since Jesus traveled with his disciples, Martha likely hosted a group. I've worn Martha's apron. I've hosted out-of-town guests. It's a joy and a privilege. Yet, it also involves plain hard work. Beds need to be made, the house cleaned, groceries bought, and meals prepared. While Jesus speaks to the group gathered in their home, Martha’s busy. I see her slicing vegetables, seasoning meat, stoking the kitchen fir...