Let the Children Come | Mark 10:14-15

Welcome to Real Life . How do I feel about children? Are they important to me? Optional? A waste of my precious time? How does God feel about children? Let's look at Jesus’ blessing of the children from another perspective. Lately, it seems like my primary responsibility is crowd control. This is not what I signed up for when I decided to follow Jesus. But, I don’t mind. I don’t blame the crowds for coming to catch a glimpse of Jesus. I never know what remarkable thing he’ll do next. Give sight to the blind? Make paralyzed limbs move again? Restore the putrid skin of a leper? I even saw Jesus raise a dead man. For three days, his friend Lazarus lay decomposing in a tomb until the Lord called his name. Then Lazarus came wobbling out, still bound up in burial clothes. I almost fainted! Who, but God, can do that? No, I don’t blame people for coming. However, a few days ago, parents started bringing their children to Jesus to be blessed. With everything the rabbi has to do and teach...