
Showing posts from June, 2013

Faith to Enter the Promised Land | Numbers 13-14

Welcome to Real Life . Have you ever felt stuck? You don’t like where you are. But, you’re too afraid to move forward.  Israel is stuck. They had made incredible progress. With God’s strength, they escaped slavery in Egypt and crossed the desert. But, then, on the cusp of entering the Promised Land, they hesitate, fearful of what lies ahead. So, they decide to send in twelve men to spy out the land. Their report: The land is lush, flowing with milk and honey. BUT … the people are giants! They’ll squash us like grasshoppers.” Only two spies, Caleb and Joshua, exude confidence, “Let’s go in. With God on our side, we can take ‘em.” But, the people can’t shake the negative report. Fear has taken hold. They hate the desert, yet  lack the faith to enter the land . They grumble, “ If only we had died in Egypt! Or in this desert! Why is the Lord bringing us to this land to let us fall by the sword? Our wives and children will be taken plunder. ”  They have forgotten. This is...

Death to Complainers | Numbers 11

Welcome to Real Life . Life is far from perfect. There’s always much to complain about. But, who wants to hang around a complainer? “ Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do. ” Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) God’s nation of Israel is trapped in slavery to Egypt. Hi s people cry out to him for deliverance. He answers. He sends Moses to Pharaoh with a directive, “Let my people go!” But, Pharaoh refuses. Why give up his free labor? God gives him ten reasons. After the plagues devastate Egypt, Pharaoh lets God’s people go free. Though free, Israel must cross a desert wilderness to reach their homeland—the land God promised to Abraham’s descendants. The journey is long and hard. Food is scarce. God supernaturally provides manna (a type of grain to make bread). Before long, the people tire of manna. They crave the flavors of Egypt. “ Oh, for a nice fish filet. We’re sick to death of manna. Remember the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic we enjoyed in Egyp...