Parable of the Wedding Banquet | Matthew 22

Welcome to Real Life . The son of one of my best friends is getting married in May. I've known the boy since he was a baby bump. Our families are like family. Because I know and love them well, I wouldn't miss the wedding. But, not everyone will attend. _________ The wedding date is set. The invitations are out. The groom’s father is known and respected around the world. Wedding staff has been preparing non-stop for months. Tenor Andrea Bocelli will perform live at the reception. Chef Wolfgang Puck is creating the menu. Versace is designing the wedding attire. There is just one problem. None of the invited guests have responded. Ever patient, the father re-sends the invitations by personal messenger. Perhaps they got lost in the mail. However, this time there is no denying the snub. Doors are slammed in messengers’ faces. Some of the couriers are threatened and roughed up. Others are actually seized and thrown in prison. The groom’s father has ...